K&B Brothers Contractors

You might think of cutting down a tree in your yard on your own.

However, it is actually a complex process that requires a high level of knowledge, skills and experience to do it appropriately and safely.

Tree removal is not as simple as cutting away the base and letting the tree fall to the ground. You must consider different factors, including the risks involved in doing it yourself.

Eliminating a tree using DIY techniques can cause more problems than you might be ready to face.

So, before you make the decision, consider the potential dangers and why it is best to leave the job to a professional tree removal service  in Northern Virginia.

Consider the Risk Factors of DIY Tree Removal

Using Ladders Inappropriately

If you need a ladder to cut down the limbs off your tree, then it is wise to call a tree removal service considering the large size of the tree.

Climbing a ladder with a chainsaw can be harmful as you could lose your balance or even slip off the ladder and injure or kill yourself.

This can be extremely dangerous, especially if the ground below is uneven and you use the wrong ladder type.

A professional tree removal service have specialized safety equipment to protect themselves when using such tools.

Using Wrong or Defective Tools

If you fail to check your tools, such as axes and chainsaws, for faults or use the wrong tool for tree removal, it can lead to severe accidents.

You may also lose your balance if the tools are dull and poorly functioning.

You must also wear safety gear, including a hard hat, harnesses, safety gloves, and chainsaw pants to support chainsaws and protect your legs.

However, instead of investing in all the equipment and gear, it is wise to hire tree removal specialists with the necessary equipment and knowledge to use them effectively.

Handling Chainsaw Improperly

Chainsaws and handsaws are powerful tools, so it is crucial to have complete control over them. The tool can also cause intense jerks backward toward the operator, which poses a bigger threat.

Related ArticleTree Risk Assessment Before Tree Removal

Lack of Tree Removal Knowledge

Cutting down a tree without knowledge of tree physics and biology can result in accidents.

A tree branch may look healthy from the outside, but it could be completely rotten inside.

Cutting down such a branch means it could snap with any additional weight.

Eliminating a large limb in heavy sections can make the situation hard to control, and you risk injuring yourself.

Missing Precise Calculations

It is critical to evaluate the height of the tree, the cutting angles, and when or where the tree will collapse.

If you fail to make accurate calculations, the tree may fall into an unexpected place and cause damage to property or human life.

Misleading Gravity

The centre of gravity and weight of the falling branches can be misleading.

You might need a rope or pulley system to put them safely on the ground if they are too heavy to hold.

Failing to Check Hidden Power Lines

Powerlines are often hidden in the tree, which increases the risk of being electrocuted while cutting.

Besides, falling trees can hit a powerline and cause fires or power outages.

Not Being Aware of Decaying Wood

There are a lot of dead and decaying branches that can become unpredictable when cut down.

If you are unaware of the decaying wood, you will not know where the branches will fall.

It takes years of expertise and experience for an arborist to identify the level of decay in a tree.

Other Factors to Consider

Here are some essential factors to consider if you are preparing for a DIY tree removal:

  • Penalty: You need to get a formal permit from the local municipality, especially if part of the tree is on your neighbour’s property. If you fail, you may have to pay a heavy fine.
  • Cleanup: Tree removal involves cutting the branches into small sections to make them easy to clean up and transport. If you attempt DIY for a large tree, it could take weeks to clean up your yard instead of a one-day job if you hire professionals.
  • Accidents: You are putting everyone, including friends, family, or neighbours, watching you cut down the tree at risk of being injured. A tree removal service will secure a safety zone and keep people away from the site.

Leave the Job to Tree Removal Experts in Northern Virginia

Research shows that tree removal is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world.

It involves life-threatening risks, so it is wise to leave the task to a professional service.

K&B Brother’s Contractors is experienced and equipped with advanced tools and safety gear to ensure a safe tree removal process on your property.

To arrange a free assessment per your schedule, call us at 540-219-8985 or fill out our form.